Full Coverage Support On Your New Digital Services

Wifi & Network Access Only!

WaaS is a perfect option for any company that needs to have a well-functioning website, app or software up and running without having to understand all the technical jargon. Business-to-consumer Service Agreements are one way to make your services & products household names. International brands like Netflix, Spotify, and even Amazon Prime are examples of Technology As A Service. These products are accessible via the internet and follow a standard pricing model, and are entirely geared toward consumers and conversions.

Software as a service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as “on-demand software”, and was formerly referred to as “software plus services” by Microsoft

The thing about the internet is that it needs to keep up with the latest devices so that means that online systems and websites keep needing to update codes and processes to keep up with the everchanging requirements of the internet.

Website as a Service (WaaS) is an industry standardized solution, that is quick to get started with, and easy to buy with a low production cost and first time to market. We can help you migrate your existing website with all content and design into our service platform quickly so you can start enjoying the benefits right away. This is the process we take to best manage websites, when our clients subscribe to the service, we manage all of the technical updates as part of the package deal.


As A Service

A website is the online home for your brand and business and visually represents the level of quality of your products or services to the world wide web, your foundation and toolbox where all your marketing efforts and traffic will lead to convert visitors into customers.

With our WAAS, your website will always be automatically be updated every month to adhere to the most current and ever-changing requirements of the internet and Plug-In modules like: e-commerce, google maps & analytics, etc. making sure your site is always live, safe, and ready to do business.


As A Service

A mobile application platform as a service refers to a cloud environment for designing, building, deploying and managing custom business applications.  In simpler terms, it’s a single platform that enables speed, collaboration and control across the entire application lifecycle.

We build your custom app using code, this means you subscribe to the exclusive use the source code that an app is built on.  Apps are built, published, and managed through the cloud, but are built and deployed on the mobile market places like Apple Store & Android Market.


As A Service

Software is a custom built application just for you, usually for internal use and management of assets and information.

As such, it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass

market, such as commercial off-the-shelf software, or existing free software.

So when you need a way to keep track of multiple moving parts or multiple input points but only for your internal use and not for that of your clients, customers or supporters, our team of designers and developers are ready help you build that next level for growth.


One of the major reasons for choosing our Technologies As A Service is that we will make sure that the website is up to date with ever changing technology such as browser updates, Google search updates and changes in technology standards (demise of Java, rise of HTML5, requirement for encrypted website using SSL and so on).


Viva works diligently to ensure that our client assets are secure.   This includes website, app or software is legally compliant according to MAR and GDPR, iOS Apple Store & Android Google Play Store.  WaaS provides the possibility to sort regulatory press releases, provides an archive for general meetings, handles cookie policies and, if using forms, makes sure that they are GDPR compliant.


Hosting is also included in the service, so that you don’t have to worry about traffic numbers, harmful attacks and geographical distribution.


  • Standardized functions like search engine integrations
  • Third party provider integrations
  • Functions for calendars
  • News listings
  • Analytics
  • Legal demands (e.g. the use of cookies and storing of personal information)
  • Security – Privacy Policy
  • Content Management System (CMS)


Viva has a dedicated team that works with our Tech As A Service platforms and services.  We help clients setup, maintain & develop their websites, apps and software with a sense of urgency.  Are you ready to get started?


Viva Tech As A Service clients enjoy free phone & chat support for all software, website & mobIle app services.  Monday – Friday – 8am-5pm CST